CFS Release 2020-09-22 (v4.7.3)

CFS Release 2020-09-22 (v4.7.3)

Here's a summary of the things we've been working on in the last few weeks


We're going to be rolling out the latest version of CFS today, should you have any questions about these new features or how bug fixes have been implemented please contact, or create a support ticket at

2020-09-22 (v4.7.3)

  • Major the menu UI has been improved on the quote pages. The new menu has been carried across from the newer responsive pages to ensure a consistent and smooth transition from modules to quotes. The menu is also now hidden by default on all screens, and will only appear when the menu icon is clicked.
  • The enabled users report has been improved to include the insurer(s) that are visible to a profile when using the "Show quotes from insurers" in the schemes module settings. This column is only visible for scheme-enabled brokers so won't clutter the display when not relevant. 
  • Reserved characters are now properly encoded in EDI messages (solidus, backspace, form feed, line fee, carriage return & tabulation characters).
  • Payment provider transaction IDs are now automatically stored as a reference point in CFS, we're hoping to develop this into easier reconciliation procedures in future releases. 
  • GX postcodes are now automatically exempt from IPT.
  • Take-up routine has been made more robust by extra validation checks on search names.
  • Cancellation fee now included in invoice amount.
  • When using the cheapest insurer option, this will now correctly recalculate for single session risk changes, i.e. when going back to the question set after obtaining a quote.
  • Fixed incorrect date display label for end date on renewal dashboard.
  • Total payable amount on confirmation screen when using finance payment providers has been formatted nicely.

You will see these new changes available on the live site from around 1PM. If you host CFS on your own AWS instance changes will be active a little later, in line with usual release timeframes. Should you wish to not receive the update for your instance please notify us before 12pm.

The CFS Team
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