CloudCall Integration

CloudCall Integration

  1. It is possible to integrate “CloudCall” – a computer telephony solution – into Durell.
  2. The first step of the process is to get in contact with CloudCall, so that they can provide you with an account. You can contact them on the numbers and email given below:

  1. Once you have setup your account with CloudCall, they will be able to provide you with the credentials we require, to integrate your account into Durell. The credentials required are:
    1. Account ID
    2. Account Password
    3. Extension
    4. Default Dialling From Number
  1. Each Durell user who requires a CloudCall integration will have their own set of credentials. Obtain these from CloudCall and then they can be entered into Durell.
  2. To enter the details into Durell, click on the “Setup” button on the front screen and then select CloudCall” from the list on the right:
  1. Finally, enter the CloudCall credentials, into the corresponding fields in the setup screen:

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