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Changing the Default IPT Rates
On the Premium screen in Durell, you are offered the choice of three default IPT rates To change these default rates, click on “Accounts” from the Durell front screen and then select “Setup” On the new screen that appears, select the ...
Amend Lockdown
It is possible to input a date into Durell, to prevent any amendment of the accounts, before a specified date. It is called the “Lockdown” and can be used prior to the final account closure tool, the Period End. To set the lockdown, begin from the ...
Bulk Reconciling
To begin Bulk Reconciling insurer payments or receipts from clients, create a cashbook entry for the relevant payment/receipt and amount, then proceed to the reconciliation screen. From the reconciliation screen, click on the Signpost button and then ...
Cost Centres
Overview Cost Centres allow you to analyse your accounts in additional ways, such as by office or department. You can already analyse your Durell accounts under named, or “Nominal”, account headings, such as by… Telephones Stationery Commission ...
Lockdown adjustment Guide
How the lockdown works and what impact this has General Overview Lock Down Function – This feature prevents users from creating entries prior to a stated date. You can apply the same date for all or individually. The above screenshot will prevent all ...