Occasionally, transactions from CFS
can stall for a number of reasons. Notifications can be issued via email when
this occurs, and transactions can then be attempted to be resumed. This guide
will show you how to turn on these notifications and also how to resume transactions.
Viewing Failed Transactions
- When logged into CFS as an ‘Adviser’,
click on the ‘Burger’ icon in the top left
- When the list appears, click on ‘Transactions’
- A list with failed transactions will then appear
- By default, this will be the last 30 days, however this can
be changed clicking on the ‘Filter’ icon in the top right

- The ‘Stage’ displays the point at which the transactions stalled
- More detail on the reasoning can be shown by clicking on the ‘?’, next
to the ‘Stage’
- Clicking the ‘Three dots’ next to each transaction gives the
option to either ‘Resume’ or ‘Ignore’
- If the after a ‘Resume’, the failed transaction remains, please
raise a ticket with Durell Support