EDI (Applied Sytems)
Adding Postcode Lookup
Ensure you're logged in as the user who requires 'Postcode Lookup' From the Durell Home Screen, click 'Setup' On the right hand scroll select 'File paths' Select the 'Quotes, etc' tab Then select 'Postcode' from the dropdown Type 'dursoft' into ...
Override Codes for Renewals
If you have been provided with an override code for a renewal, you will not be able to use it within a regular renewal in Durell as the “Override” button will be greyed out. To use the override code, begin by highlighting the current policy in the ...
Perform Pre-quote Data Checks
If you have a manual policy which is demanding risk data before progressing through the screens, it is because the “Perform pre-quote data checks” is ticked, in Setup > File Paths: The user will have to decide whether they want the questions asked or ...
Lapse Renewal Invitation
Go to the Applied Systems renewal you wish to lapse, highlight it by clicking it once and then click on the “Signpost” button Scroll down to “General” Then “Link to Applied Systems” Click “Lapse renewal invitation…”
EDI Cancellations
Go to the Applied Systems policy you wish to cancel, highlight it by clicking it once and then click on the “Signpost” button Scroll down to “General” Then “Link to Applied Systems” Click “Cancellation…” Enter the date and time of the cancellation ...
Check for Missing Invites
You can instruct Durell to communicate with Applied Systems, in order to check for any renewal invites that may be missing. Start by going to the policy list for the client in question. Then, ensure all policy row types are being displayed by ticking ...
Adding & Removing EDI licences through setup
The guide below shows you how to change which user has the ability to quote through EDI (Applied Systems). The amount of users that have this functionality is determined by the amount of licenses you purchase through Durell. Useful Information ...